Company History

Communication Devices Inc (CDI) was incorporated in 1976 as a custom data-communications solutions provider.

Communication Devices Inc (CDI) was incorporated in 1976 as a custom data-communications solutions provider for the newspaper and financial services industries. CDI equipment was installed in every major newspaper and radio station in the country for news and financial feeds.

Through the early 80’s CDI developed and patented the only “modem vendor independent” network management system for large banks of dial modems. This network management tool was installed in major government agencies, pharmaceutical, petroleum, and financial institutions worldwide. The system was also licensed by the largest data-communications company in the world. CDI was awarded 3 patents on this product line.

During the late 80’s and into the 90’s this relationship with banks and financial institutions led to the development of a financial encryptor for use with electronic transactions wholesale. This encryptor was installed worldwide by major financial institutions. CDI was awarded a patent for a key transaction method developed for this product line.

The late 90’s and into the 21st century led to the entire industry being swept up into the internet boom. CDI saw opportunity here where others did not. All the routers and firewalls that were being installed to build and access the internet needed to be managed via some method other than the internet itself. CDI’s expertise in modem management and data encryption gave it the foundation to create the most robust line of Secure Out of Band Management equipment available. The equipment was submitted and received FIPS certification from NIST. In 2004 CDI was awarded a patent on the management of distributed out of band management equipment by the United States Patent office. This patent is at the core of CDI’s unique system and protects it from predators encroaching on it’s marker.

In 2008 CDI began a complete redesign of it’s Out of Band Management solution, breaking it up into three Categories:

  1. Government FIPS 140-2 validated
  2. Commercial  two factor authentication, with AES encryption
  3. Management and Operations (enterprise software manager)

CDI added LTE connectivity in 2012.

CDI continues, and will continue, to refine this technology and lead the Secure Out of Band Management industry into the future.

Our Partners

CDI has developed relationships with industry leaders in the Managed Services Provider space.
The MSP’s have standardized on CDI for secure out of band management.

CDI Protecting the Environment

All our packaging is cardboard and 100 percent recyclable. We separate all waste to reduce landfill contents and have a large containers for all packaging material to be placed outside. We have converted all of our office space, warehouse space and Parking lot lights to high efficiency LED fixtures. We are working with a third party to have solar energy on our property. This will generate electricity for our needs and the surplus will be sent back to the grid. Our power supplies are all high efficiency switching supplies. our products eliminate the need for technicians to travel to remote sites to restore them saving file costs.