
Developing proprietary technology & protected by the United States Patent Office and other global entities.

By reading the history of some of the company’s patents, the reader can determine how CDI has become the dominate player in the Secure Out of Band Management field. The company first achieved it’s foothold in the dial-up modem management market in the late 80’s, with the first modem management system on the market. The patent led to more Intellectual property being developed into the 90’s. As Dial up modems were being discard for network access, CDI was setting up a proprietary key exchange to be used for maintenance over dial up modems.

CDI’s first central Out of Band Management software was based on a “Distributed Database Approach, hence the product was called, the “Distributed Database Manager”. This concept was awarded a patent in 2004 which is the centerpiece for CDI’s unique Secure Out of Band Management approach. No other company can use remotely stored credentials in their approach without conflicting with our intellectual property.

CDI continues to develop intellectual property with our newest piece of software,  the “Out of Band Manager” which has a unique capability to ensure that only authentic copies of an SSH client can be used on a network. This eliminates rogue copies of and SSH clients from infecting a network unknowingly. The OBM also utilizes CDI’s patented, Distributed Database approach.

December 1, 1987 – 4,710,929 Modem use monitor


A modem use monitor (MUM) utilizable with one or more groups of modems is disclosed which modems, in turn, serve a rotary hunt arrangement of telephone lines for data communications. For analytical purposes, for each modem there is an intercept for providing a data carrier detect signal to central processor. The monitoring of the signal is provided on a periodic basis, generally every five seconds, and an indication of such response is provided periodically, generally each minute.

The modems within each group are numbered and have correspondingly numbered registers for storing the responses for each modem in number sequence. The central processor has the additional function of examining the registers upon acquisition of each response and ascertaining if all modems lower in the numbered sequence have an indication of data carrier detect present. The MUM also formulates a histogram for recording all responses for a given period, which histogram shows the modems with data carrier detect present, modems with data carrier detect absent, and modems answering out-of-sequence.

The histogram material is readily interpreted so that modem defects such as a ring no answer condition or lock-up condition can be identified.

April 4, 1989 – 4,819,235 Modem use monitor


A modem use monitor (MUM) is disclosed which is utilizable with one or more groups of modems for analyzing modem defects of the individual modems. Typically, a rotary hunt arrangement of telephone lines for data communications is sequentially served by several modems. For analytical purposes, an intercept device is provided to receive a data carrier detect signal from each modem. The intercept device has been enhanced to receive a plurality of signals and to facilitate defect analysis. Exemplary of the processed signals is the summing of the ring indicator (RI) signal and the data carrier detect (SCD) by means of a logical OR to provide a single test signal which can be examined for a ring-no-answer condition.

September 17, 1991 – 5,050,205 Dial line monitor and control unit


A modem use monitor (MUM) is disclosed which is utilizable with one or more groups of modems for analyzing modem defects of the individual modems. Typically, a rotary hunt arrangement of telephone lines for data communications is sequentially served by several modems. For analytical purposes, an intercept device is provided to receive a data carrier detect signal from each modem. The intercept device has been enhanced to receive a plurality of signals and to facilitate defect analysis. Exemplary of the processed signals is the summing of the ring indicator (RI) signal and the data carrier detect (DCD) by means of a logical OR to provide a single test signal which can be examined for a ring-no-answer condition.

June 3, 1997 – 5,636,280 Dual key reflexive encryption security system


A security system is disclosed, which system is for granting access to a host computer in response to a demand from a remote computer. The security system has a permanent encryption key mounted on the remote computer. The software portion of the system provides for the identification number associated with the permanent encryption key to be sent unencrypted to the host computer.

Using the identification number the host computer selects an encryption device and encrypts a transitory encryption key generated by the host computer and transmits the transitory encryption key to the remote for emplacement on a write-only receptor in the permanent encryption key.

Thereafter a comparator in the host computer, in response to encrypted identifying data transmitted from the remote computer and encrypted with said the transitory encryption key, authenticates the access demand. Access is granted by the host computer to the remote computer upon the favorable comparison of an encrypted identifier provided by the remote computer.

March 28, 2000 –  6,044,154 Remote generated, device identifier key for use with a dual-key reflexive encryption security system Abstract

A security system is disclosed, which system is for granting access to a host computer in response to a demand from a remote computer. The security system has a permanent encryption key mounted on the remote computer. The software portion of the system provides for the identification number associated with the permanent encryption key to be sent unencrypted to the host computer.

Using the identification number the host computer selects an encryption device and encrypts a transitory encryption key generated by the host computer and transmits the transitory encryption key to the remote for emplacement on a write-only receptor in the permanent encryption key.

Thereafter a comparator in the host computer, in response to encrypted identifying data transmitted from the remote computer and encrypted with said the transitory encryption key, authenticates the access demand. Access is granted by the host computer to the remote computer upon the favorable comparison of an encrypted identifier provided by the remote computer.

January 13, 2004 6,678,826 Management system for distributed out-of-band security databases Abstract

For use during maintenance of wide area networks, a management system is disclosed for distributing security databases to security gates at each maintenance port of each network element. A distributed database manager is provided to instantaneously update the databases and gather from each database transaction records.

Central to the distributed database manager is a software program that polls the security databases located at each of the network elements, deposits updated databases, and formats various management reports from transaction records and from device failure records (generated by the program). The software program enables the database manager to communicate with the network elements through either an in-band channel or an out-of-band channel.

By shifting authentication of access seekers to security databases resident at each console port, security is maintained even though the network server is not in service. Using existing technology, all communications between the distributed database manager and the security database is in encrypted form.

Patents pending:



Our Partners

CDI has developed relationships with industry leaders in the Managed Services Provider space.
The MSP’s have standardized on CDI for secure out of band management.

CDI Protecting the Environment

All our packaging is cardboard and 100 percent recyclable. We separate all waste to reduce landfill contents and have a large containers for all packaging material to be placed outside. We have converted all of our office space, warehouse space and Parking lot lights to high efficiency LED fixtures. We are working with a third party to have solar energy on our property. This will generate electricity for our needs and the surplus will be sent back to the grid. Our power supplies are all high efficiency switching supplies. our products eliminate the need for technicians to travel to remote sites to restore them saving file costs.